My beliefs and thoughts on this unit are pretty simple. I think that GLBT is a individuals own preference. I think that even though I am a very much heterosexual person I have no problems with people who are gay. I think that they are regular people just like everyone else, but they just prefer men over women or women over men. It seems like the GLBT topics are very uncomfortable for some people because they don't like them/ are against them or people's own beliefs drive them to not care or away from the GLBT community. There are people in this world who would do anything to get the GLBT community out and illegal to marry, but there are also people who support them both gay and straight. I, myself, am not necessarily a supporter but I don't mind them as long as I'm not being hit on or something of that sort.
In class we looked the Heterosexual quiz and the Feeling I got after taking it was that it seemed as though it was asking in a way of why aren't you gay. The questions presented like if it was in reverse and a straight person made it, it would sound like it was totally a choice and not natural at all to be gay. I don't people wake up one day and say I'm heterosexual or I'm gay. I believe it is something that develops and slowly comes about as an individual gets older and figures out who they are how they feel about things as a person. You also have very religious people who think anything that isn't heterosexual is a sin and those individuals who aren't will go to hell. These religious people boycott and really get out of hand when it comes to presenting their point. I think they actually turn people away and off from the things they say as well as how aggressive they present it. Even though they have the right to a religion and a freedom of speech, I think they should re-think there way of presenting their point to the public as well as the GLBT community.
GLBT topics are very uncomfortable to talk about to people who are heterosexual. Honestly, i would not be able to sit and discuss those situations with someone who is homosexual, transgender, or whatever the case may be because i am heterosexual and that is my belief system. As far as people being able to make choices of what they want to do and who they want to love is totally up to them. I dont think i have the right to tell those people how to live just like they dont have the right to tell me how to live. I think that if someone wants to engage in something other then my belief system, i think they should and should have the right to without being persecuted for it.
ReplyDeleteI also believe that people who are homosexuals are just as equal as everyone else in the world. They shouldn't be hated for the people that they want to be with. My religion (Christianity) is completely against same sex relationships but I feel as though that if they were introduced to Christianity and still want to love the same sex then that's their choice. I've done what I could to encourage them to see a Christian's belief. Just because I believe it's wrong, it doesn't mean that I hate them or think less of them I'm still friends with them and they are still people to me.
ReplyDeletemy views on glbt is everyone no matter who you are should be equal. Your sexuality should make you superior than the next guy. I agree that it is a uncomfortable topic but it should not be a unfamiliar one.